Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dry Cleaning Slogans Are These Signs That I Drink Too Much?

Are these signs that I drink too much? - dry cleaning slogans

10 - You spent Sunday night in jail for cow-tipping, with its Ford
9 -, while armed with fire extinguishers, were friends at a safe distance as you blew birthday candles.
8 - Thank you, Jack Daniel's stock is up 15 1 / 4 since Friday.
7 - Boris Yeltsin called personally to ask him to stop at the Stoli.
6 - For some reason there is salt on the rim of the lens basketball.
5 - For the money you spent Thunderbird you may have bought the car.
4 - You are now the proud inventor of the "Slim Jim": Ultra Slim-Fast shakes made with Jim Beam.
3 - Absolut wants to publish an advertisement with a picture of your liver as a bottle.
2 - Once again, Dry Cleaning, people greet each other, "Hey, it's Vomit Man!"
1 - It is sober enough to recognize, "Drink Canada Dry" is a slogan, not a personal challenge.

Beer Happy Wednesday!


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