If you could pick 2 names out of my list for Twins which would they be? - abby winters leigh
Two Girls YAY !!!!!!! lol anyway ............
Josie Katherine
Alana Leigh
Jaaryn Olivia (pronounced Jare-in)
Nicole Grace
Paris, Renée
Ashlynn ______ (suggestions, if possible?)
Winter Camryn
Rose Abigail (Abby)
Brielle Jasmine
Scarlett Jade
McKenzie Faith
Ellie Paige
Laryssa Chloe (the "or" hepatitis-A-2 points at the top)
Kelsey Lillian
Kylie Jane
Savana Allison (I like Savannah more spelling, but my husband begs to differ, when I left to win: P)
Raine Madison (Maddie)
thnx in advance!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Abby Winters Leigh If You Could Pick 2 Names Out Of My List For Twins Which Would They Be?
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Pictures Of Curtains With Tiebacks What Is The Drapery That Goes Over A Bed Called?
What is the drapery that goes over a bed called? - pictures of curtains with tiebacks
I am working on translating my work product catalog of Swedish to English. We manufacture interior decoration products, especially furniture, curtains, that sort of thing. But I'm totally stuck on what the English word for one of our products!
The kind of thing that I give a name often used in children's rooms, often equipped with the kindergarten, but not yet, I found one that really gives it a name.
It is generally mild, probably nets, curtains, passing over the bed and can be recovered, normally the curtain on each side.
Here is a picture of this kind of thing I am tempted to call:
http://www.konstantik.se/images/I001767_ ...
http://www.blaelefant.se/Graphics/Produc ...
(Before you accuse me of advertising, none of these companies come to my site, they are the pictures so good example.)
It is called quite charming in Sweden "Sänghimmel" is the name which means "Bed heaven" or "Bed Sky. But that does not help me.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Average Cost For Cataract Surgery La What Is The Average Cost Of Cat Cataract Surgery?
What is the average cost of cat cataract surgery? - average cost for cataract surgery la
My cat has cataracts in both eyes. I wonder, the average cost of an operation on both eyes. It is a turtle female shorthair, about 17 years.
Prosumer Video Recorder Are There Any Home- Or Prosumer HD Video Recorders With HDMI INput That Use Commonly Removable Storage Like _
Are there any home- or prosumer HD video recorders with HDMI INput that use commonly removable storage like _ - prosumer video recorder
Tape or Blu-ray? If so, what is not (especially those that are much cheaper than Blu-ray recorders are now)?
And if there is no video recorders, HD, and (again, I mean with HDMI inputs, not just cameras, high-definition recording only), either on tape or take disc - Blu - ray still expensive, so why not?
If so, what if the Blu-ray or other (especially a lot cheaper than Blu-ray recorders are now also a camera high-definition video semi-professional who may have a version of HDMI - HDMI Mine but only out)?
These include video cameras, prosumer, the HDMI inputs, which can be used in VTR mode - my HD camcorder equipped with HDMI could have, but the production only. What about them?
Also,What about the D-VHS that were made late enough to have HDMI inputs (and not just some) with HDMI output?
And if not, why not?
Monday, February 22, 2010
Hot Tea For Stomach Virus How To Tell If You Are Poisoned With Rat Poisoning?
How to tell if you are poisoned with rat poisoning? - hot tea for stomach virus
Well, my mother, sister, child 1 years, and only Missouri traveled to visit for a week with my grandfather to colon cancer. We were at my grandmother, a woman with him, that none of us know very well. The first day we were there we met this lady, tea and hot chocolate. My sister has a baby a few sips of tea. The following night the child was seriously ill increase to a total of 8 times, and stomach cramps. He also had diahrea. Finally, it seemed to feel better after 12 hours. Then, after two nights of my mother, my sister, my grandmother and I started illstarting get a headache and then with the same symptoms that lasted for the child only a certain period (about two days of vomiting and diahrea) and was more severe. None of us could eat or store water.You have nothing to eat and now I can hold water, but I still have stomach cramps and light eating.We every thought is a virus or food poisoning, but the woman is doing everything we ate, I have been sick. Baby Binky together with its 1 1 / 2 years old cousin of the night he fell ill and his cousin was not sick. Maybe I'm a little more reaction, but I think that is strange. We learned the woman was placed in an institution, but no one knows why. If it looks like in overeacting please let me know. But my grandmother had mice in the garage when it rat poison in the house. And this lady seemed to be waiting for us when we were sick. I just heard about people who feel bad that other people that they need love someone or Etra useful. All responsesbe appreciated.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Airwalker Exercises Which One Should I Buy??
Which one should I buy?? - airwalker exercises
I want a treadmill, but I, but a tape recorder, mini trampoline, or one of the things Airwalker gazelle?
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Evs Ii Dip Switch Settings Mopar Do You Know About The Movie Holes?
Do you know about the movie holes? - evs ii dip switch settings mopar
Rules for my class is reading a book Holes II really want to watch the film I've seen for a long time to see, but I do ii kno you know what I can see the video online IV d often been tried is "Study for EVS II and want to see how really
Friday, February 19, 2010
Do Girls Wear Cups In Hockey Why Do Some Guys Wear Athletic Cups In Sports But Girls Do Not?
Why do some guys wear athletic cups in sports but girls do not? - do girls wear cups in hockey
I wonder why some people wear cups and athletics, where the athletes in contact sports, but girls do not. My friend plays soccer, hockey and baseball and game equipment. I wondered why some people do, and he has not told me! The girls are the others?
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Girl Punished In Swim Suit What Do You Think I Should Do?
What do you think i Should Do? - girl punished in swim suit
Just register and disign Theater in Las Vegas and asked me if I might like a little girl, when most children are around children mostley 5-18. Or should I go now, like a child. PS That was my first day here more about me
______________________________________ ...
I was a boy of 20 years. I started cross-dressing at 10 years and now I'm 20 years old, and given the years and never had a date, depressed, that was what I like Girl Clothing. My mother hated that I dress my girls wore penalty for this, so I try to stay while she, if possible, while I am not in the public, and then deicide using hidden Halloween dress as a girl and I dress like a girl last year. There is not even had time to go trick or treating, because I wanted tocarry something for a girl. I would also like a swimsuit Kid Pool. Then I met during my years in Youtube Trang finished things about Kid. I belive I was destined to n is a girl that I needed some time to see a couple of years vidoes times.This I was a little more openness to the school with a girl i wear most of my classes, 'is not a few times I know, have gender identity disorder and what will be my last year of high school and I wonder whether I am a girl anouce May, only in the classroom and then in October the form of classes and then for my birthday, I say Mama ft I want a girl to be my birthday, my birthday is in November and live in Las Vegas Sow what you think
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Car Amplifier Stopped Working Car Amplifier Problem?
Car Amplifier problem? - car amplifier stopped working
Well, I recently listened to my music, and suddenly ceases to function, the amplifier. So I propose the fuse in front of the car and was a 50Watt and went into a store of audio and sold me a fuse or 100Watts w / e he said it was ok. But today, more and hear music directly from Ampere cuts and has a reading lamp, which says that if the state grants as well. might be possible that the problem? 800.2 amplifiers have a maximum output of 1600W. and 2 12''subs.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Informal Letter Wher I Apply For Help What Is The Layout For An Informal Letter?
What is the layout for an informal letter? - informal letter wher i apply for help
Where are notches?
When you write the address?
I do not need to know what put in the letter, as shown on a page.